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Behind the Scenes
By Lisa M Fuller
President, Berrien UU

Wow.  The ‘behind the scenes’ work at Berrien UU is phenomenal.  Did you know?

Rev. Jim McConnell personally follows up with all visitors, and keeps in touch with anyone who has missed service.  (If he’s missed you, let him know!  He wants to connect!

David Sarra coordinates teachers for weekly children’s Religious Education and personally leads RE for our youth.  He liaisons with the OutCenter and plans our quarterly UU Allcomers.

Harvey Johnson negotiates with our cable and waste removal providers to ensure Berrien UU is charged the lowest possible rates.  Harvey also screens and hosts our monthly Social Justice film series, and makes sure we are serving Fair Trade coffee.

Hilary Johnson produces our weekly BUUF Announce, keeps our online calendar up-to-date, finishes and prints our Sunday Order of Service, manages the Berrien UU facebook page (like us on facebook!), programs our thermostat remotely to ensure the most efficient use of energy, and communicates Berrien UU activities with WAUS, the Herald Palladium and St. Joseph Today.

Dennis Higdon keeps our Sunday Service schedule full.

Gretchen Ohmann and Nan Lundeen produce and lead the Berrien UU Womyn’s Group Red Tent events.

Dorothy Long keeps the plants watered, the fridge clean and the books balanced.

Emily Bettencourt does the vacuuming and high dusting to make sure we don’t have any cobwebs.

Jim Fuller tends to our heating, ventilation and cooling equipment and also manages the Berrien UU endowment fund.

Amy Eklund coordinates the monthly Berrien UU book club, beloved by so many.

I scrub the bathrooms, sweep and mop our tile floors.  (Let me know when I get behind!

Rob Hammond, Ellen Higdon, Harvey and I serve as the Berrien UU Board of Trustees, managing business and keeping our Fellowship moving toward achieving our 5-year plan.

And most importantly are those who attend and participate in Sunday Service and other Berrien UU events each week.

Without the behind scenes work that each of us does to open time in our lives for Berrien UU we wouldn’t have a Fellowship at all.

The annual Berrien UU State of the Fellowship meeting is 12:30-4:00 pm Sunday February 19, 2017.  Come to hear about our progress over the past year and our plans for the coming year.  There are lots of ways to be involved in Berrien UU.  What is yours?