Our fellowship is governed by members, led by our Board of Trustees and guided by our Bylaws. Berrien UU has approximately 40 members.
Our fellowship is a non-profit corporation. Our bylaws define our basic governing procedures, such as how one becomes a member or voting member and when elections are held.
Five-Year Plan
Our Five-Year Plan provides guides the congregation and its leaders in working to fulfill the mission of the Fellowship.
Our Board
The business, property, and affairs of the fellowship are managed by the board of trustees. To be elected and to serve as a trustee a person must be a voting member. The board has five trustees elected by members at the Annual Meeting and holding office for two years. The board sets long-term policies and makes sure the fellowship is on a path to fulfill its mission. Board meetings are held monthly (see the calendar for dates). Fellowship members and friends are welcome to attend the meetings and encouraged to read the [board meeting minutes].
Our 2024 – 2025 BUUF Board:
Don Shaffer, President
Judy Peelle, Vice President
Janice Zerfas, Secretary
Jim Fuller, Treasurer
Diane Gibbons, Past President/Trustee
Roger Brewin, Trustee
Nico Rojas, Trustee
Elected Committees
Leadership and Nominations Committee
Leadership and Nominations Committee members are elected at the Annual Meeting. The committee shall consist of at least three members serving two-year terms. One member shall be elected in some years and two members shall be elected in other years as needed to maintain the minimum membership. The committee is responsible for developing, soliciting and nominating members for the Board of Trustees, Endowment Committee and Nominating Committee for the election held during the Annual Meeting.
Our 2024-2025 Leadership and Nominations Committee:
Harvey Johnson, Chair
Richard Hoffman
Dave Richardson
Endowment Committee
Endowment Committee members are elected at the Annual Meeting and the committee shall consist of at least three members serving three-year terms. One member shall be elected annually to maintain the minimum membership. The committee is responsible for managing the fellowship’s endowment funds. The Endowment Committee is completely independent of the board. Therefore, members of the Endowment Committee may not concurrently serve on the Board of Trustees. Participation is limited to two terms.
Our 2024-2025 Endowment Committee:
Beth La Fleur, Chair
Gloria Weberg
Clark Gilpin
UU Resources
Unitarian Universalist Association
Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the central organization for the Unitarian Universalist (UU) religious movement in the United States. The UUA’s 1000+ member congregations are committed to Seven Principles that include the worth of each person, the need for justice and compassion, and the right to choose one’s own beliefs. UU congregations and faith communities promote these principles through regular worship, learning and personal growth, shared connection and care, social justice action and service, celebration of life’s transitions, and much more.
Mid America Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is a member of the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association which includes nearly 200 UU congregations in parts or all of these states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.
The MidAmerica Region seeks to covenant with each other to find new ways of partnering and standing together on the side of love for the flourishing of our world, our communities, our congregations and our members.