Upcoming events are available on our Calendar.
Small Group Ministry
In-person meetings the first Monday of the month from 6:30-8:00pm are ongoing.
For more information contact Rachel Reed, Director of Religious Education.
New Moon Womyn’s Circle
BUUF’s New Moon Womyn’s circle meets on or near each new moon, gathering at BUUF or member homes and via Zoom. The group is for BUUFers with female gender identity, and is open to friends of BUUFers by invitation. Circle participants may join our private facebook group, New Moon Womyn.
Each circle usually includes a chalice/candle lighting and reading, member check-in, an activity and discussion. Though we meet on or near the new moon each month, our focus is not limited to moon phases or astrology. We explore ways to tap into our creativity, honor our whole selves, and explore our own intentions. Contact Lisa Fuller for more information.