The BUUF building has three principle areas: the Beth Upton Vawter Sanctuary, where services are held; the Fuller Fellowship Hall, which provides a kitchen and dining area; and the rooms adjacent to Fuller Fellowship Hall for toddlers and youth. A grand piano in the sanctuary is often used to provide music for services. A sound system and microphone are used for services and a wireless microphone is used for the Circle Talk after Sunday service. Wi-Fi is available within the building.
One of two restrooms adjacent to the dining area is a unisex restroom with a changing table; one of two restrooms adjacent to the sanctuary is a unisex restroom that, except for signage, is ADA compliant.
Because of convenience, most people enter the building through the entrance to Fuller Hall rather than the double-door entry to the sanctuary.
A memory garden is on the east side of the building. The mound west of the parking lot is the drain field for the septic system. The solar panels beside the mound were installed in September 2015. Berrien UU is not off the grid, but the solar panels provide electricity for the building and earn credit with the power company. Five acres of property extend west to the railway right of way.
Individuals and organizations can arrange to rent the building when the building use schedule permits. For more information contact our Office Administrator.