A signed Affirmation and Pledge form for the current fiscal year is required for BUUF voting membership.
Voting membership in the Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship must be renewed annually.
Upcoming Events
Feb16Sun10:30 am Sunday Service & Circle Talk @ BUUFSunday Service & Circle Talk @ BUUFFeb 16 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pmSunday services are held every Sunday at 10:30am. Participants may join in person or via Zoom. For help joining Berrien UU Fellowship’s Sunday Service Zoom meetings or to register for online events, please email Office@BerrienUU.org.[...]11:45 am Circle Talk @ BUUF & ZoomCircle Talk @ BUUF & ZoomFeb 16 @ 11:45 am – 12:15 pmGrab a cup of coffee and let’s chat about the service, in person and on Zoom.Feb23Sun10:30 am Sunday Service & Circle Talk @ BUUFSunday Service & Circle Talk @ BUUFFeb 23 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pmSunday services are held every Sunday at 10:30am. Participants may join in person or via Zoom. For help joining Berrien UU Fellowship’s Sunday Service Zoom meetings or to register for online events, please email Office@BerrienUU.org.[...]Subscribe to Our Newsletter
A signed Affirmation and Pledge form for the current fiscal year is required for BUUF voting membership. Voting membership in the Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship must be renewed annually.