The first Sunday in June is designated in BUUF’s bylaws as the congregational Annual Meeting, held in lieu of our regular Sunday service.

The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to:

  • Reflect upon the past year (President, Minister)
  • Review and discuss the proposed Fellowship Budget (Treasurer)
  • Vote for Board, Endowment Committee, and Nominating Committee candidates
  • Consider any special endowment requests or proposed changes to our bylaws

Members, Voting Members, and Friends of BUUF are invited to attend the Annual Meeting and encouraged to review all available reports and proposals prior to the meeting. Only voting members are eligible to vote at the meeting. Voting members are those who have submitted a BUUF Pledge and Affirmation form for the current church year and made a financial or in-kind pledge at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting.

As new proposals or nominees are introduced, all participants will have the opportunity to join in the discussion with a two-minute time limit. BUUF members and friends may participate in person or via Zoom.

Join us in this annual exercise in democracy. Your input is important.

Click here to read the annual reports for 2022-2023.