Memgreen sanctuary chalicebers of Berrien UU voted in June 2015 to take on the goal of becoming a UUA certified Green Sanctuary.

We jump started the process by also voting to install a six kilowatt solar array, an emblem of our commitment to a sustainable energy future for our community.  The installation was completed in Sept 2015.

The UUA provides a path for congregations to address climate change and environmental justice.  Congregations that complete the program are accredited as Green Sanctuaries in recognition of their service and dedication to the Earth. Steps to certification start with an application and a UUA appointed mentor. Our Berrien UU Green Sanctuary team leader is Harvey Johnson.

On May 31, 2017, we submitted an application for Green Sanctuary Candidacy (Green Sanctuary Application 2017) to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). On July 31, 2007 we received notification from Karen Brammer of the UUA that our application for Green Sanctuary Candidacy had been affirmed (St Joseph Mi letter from UUA 7-31-17 affirming Candidate status). The next step will be to apply for Accreditation status.

The Berrien UU Green Sanctuary accreditation process is in its infancy.  It will take hard work from all in the congregation to bring it to fruition over the next several years.


Solar Electric system October 2015