January 23, 2022 @ 10:30 am – 11:45 am
Rev. Jim McConnell
Sunday Service: "Addiction, Shame, and Despair, All Fruits of the Same Tree"

“What is addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal,
a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us
about a plight that must be understood.”

– Alice Miller

This Sunday, January 23rd, we continue with our monthly theme of Mental Health by focusing on addiction and despair. In a message titled: “Addiction, Shame, and Despair, All Fruits of the Same Tree” Beth La Fleur, Brett Maccani, Terra Lenox, and Rev. Jim McConnell will share their perspectives. Additionally, Helena La Fleur will show a video, she created herself, that demonstrates different ways to be kind. The Story For All Ages will address what it is like to be a child whose parents are recovering from addiction, and, as usual, there will a lot of great music.
Join on Zoom for this important service.
Note: There will be no RE class over Zoom this Sunday. Instead, we’ll be planning a winter outing for families and children. Stay tuned for details!