August 25, 2019 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Rev. Jim McConnell
The title of this week’s service is “What I Did Last Summer.”  BUUFers Connie Johnson and June Blackwell will share a bit about their summers.  Connor Johnson will tell the “Story for All Ages.”  The BUUF musicians will perform.  Harvey Johnson will lead us in song.  Jim Dagleish has a special musical  number of his own, and Candace will be at the piano. In his sermon titled: “What I Did Last Summer: Money, Sex, Religion, and Politics,” Rev. Jim McConnell will share a bit about what he accidentally learned about Modern Monetary Theory and the impact monetary policy has on religion and politics.  Perhaps you are wondering what money and politics have to do with spirituality and religion. I invite you to come and find out.  Gandhi said, “Those who do not see the connection between religion and politics, do not understand either.” 
Pictured above is Adam Smith, the great 18th century Scottish philosopher of economics whose theories are simple, elegant and Wrong!!  In this week’s sermon we will investigate how adoption of his ideas has negatively impacted the lives of millions of Americans.