July 8, 2018 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Sunday Service: "Good Life, Good Death" @ Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

This Sunday, July 8th, Rev. Jim McConnell will bring a message titled: Good Life, Good Death.  The service will focus on an event everyone must eventually face, his or her own death.  This is a difficult topic for many.  We have many writings, poems, movies, and songs from sages and saints on the topic of death, but it is all speculative.  No one has ever, as far as we know, returned from the dead to tell us what the experience of dying and death is like.  There is, however, some agreement among those that have investigated the subject that having a good death is predicated on having a good life.

Dorothy Long, Janice Zerfas, Lois Thomas, and Katharine Lion will share their perspectives on death and dying, Jaryn Ruggless will tell the Story for All Ages, and Harvey Johnson will lead us in singing.

(A qualifier: Even though the title of Jim’s message is: Good Life, Good Death, it does not mean that one has to have been “good” all of one’s life.  First, there probably is no one who has been “good” all of his or her life and secondly, if there were such a person you probably wouldn’t want to hang out with him or her. Having a “good” life does not, in this case, mean always being moral, correct, or appropriate.)

Happy 4th of July everyone!!