History, Facts, and Where Do We Go From Here?

World Aids Day

Thank you to Peter Tortorello for compiling this information and sharing it with us. Thanks also to Brett Maccani for Sunday’s service and these links for more information and to get involved:

We Will Survive—A Perspective on the AIDS Crisis
 In 1988 with the support of WHO – December 1
 Over 200,000 people infected in US with 50% death rate
 The US Government had not cared, and Action was needed
 Together the Gay Community pulled together to care for the dying, to support
those infected, to educate the community on their own.
 ACT-UP formed by Larry Kramer – Moto: SILENCE = DEATH
Historical Perspective – The Crisis
 1981 – NYT Article – Time Article – GRID – LA – pneumocystis pneumonia; NYC
– Kaposi Sarcoma
 Living in Houston – Christmas Party at Rich and David’s
 Tom Klein – Michigan State Med Grad at St. Joseph Resident
 Gay Crisis Lines set up in NYC, LA, Chicago – Friends manned the lines
 HIV identified by French in 1983 – Battle with Americans in 1984 for rights
 1985 – Reagan mentioned AIDS for first time – No Action – 175,000 US infected
– 50% Death Rate
 Blood Supply – Dr. Anthony Fauci – Testing – Hemophiliacs death – Ryan White
 Isolation: Houston Civic Hospital – Louie Welsh – Lock up and Kill the Queers
Actions Needed
 Clive Jones – AIDS Memorial Quilt – 1940 Panels on Ellipse – Bob and I
 40 Friends and Acquaintances Died – Half of our closest friends – Gary was the
first a national consultant on Health Care – Jerry, Danny, Greg, Ted, John, and so
 1988 Reagan signed first NIH Authorization for research
 AZT in 1988 – Battle to get it – Martin Delaney and others pleaded with Dr. Fauci
of NIH and FDA to release drug before tests completed
 Horrific side effects but saved lives – Black Market
 Reagan’s plan: Ban all HIV+ including AIDS Conference attendees
 RED Ribbon Project – Ed Grey and Jim Scott – Michigan Artists $100,000
 Local Programs to care for sick and dying like Chicago House
Lost Friends
 Grew Up on NW side of Chicago – Cub/Boy Scouts – Gay Friends

 Rick, Frank, Al, Larry, Vic, Randy, and so many others passed. Read the death
Government and Independent Funding
 Clinton – WHJ Office of National AIDS Policy
 T-Cells to 200 -rather than death – to get into National Protections including
 500,000 cases in 1995
 Quilt on National Mall – 40,000 panels
 Sutter Medical Center – Early prophylactic therapy in 1980’s – Not approved by
FDA until 1997 – Push by Community intervention with Fauci
 WHO – 1999 33 million Worldwide Cases – 14 million Deaths – Pharma
 African life expectancy – 62 to 47
 Gates: $60 Million in 2003 – First Private Sector
 Bush approved first major funding in 2007 – $48 Bil – j565,000 US Deaths
 Obama approved $63 Bil, ACA allowed for HIV/AIDS care
 2017 – Gates: $148 mil, Elton: $385 Mil for education, direct care
 2020 – Death Rate dropped by 50%
Biden/Harris White House – Government Makes a difference
 PrEP drugs made widely available to prevent infections
 195 National Heal Center Establish to test, educate, offer PrEP and care
 DOD drops HIV+ ban
 Youth support programs to protect GLBTQ+ Youth and Transgender
 Long-term injection Drugs available
 Long-Term survivors Programs – Drugs worked, many side effects for survivors
Where do we go now without Clinton, Obama, and Biden Programs
 Education of youth, minorities, and developing countries
 PrEP costs $1500/month – Need to subsidize
 Support local testing & care programs like CARES in SW Michigan
 Elder Care – Center on Halsted
 COVID-19 rapid response came out of HIV/AIDS research – Vaccinations and
Prophylactic drugs
 Government Commitment to CDC, NIH, FDA

An Historical Perspective – 1981 to 2023
– Pneumocystis pneumonia in Los Angeles – 5 gay men
– Kaposi Sarcoma in New York – Gay Cancer
– Opportunist Infections due to suppressed immune system – T-Cells
– First person in country in Los Angelos admitted for AIDS

  • Gay Men’s Health Crisis, first of type, founded in NYC
  • First Congressional Hearing
  • GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency)
  • CDC officially defines AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • Congress passes first funding allocation for AIDS research
  • SF Activists public first pamphlet on “Safer Sex”
  • NIH looks at National Blood Supply
  • CDC announces that cases are among gay men with multiple partners, IV Drug
    users and Haitians
  • Larry Kramer publishes essay on impact of AIDS on Gay community
  • SF first candlelight vigil
  • French research share Nobel Prize for discovering retrovirus that may cause
  • U.S Department of Health Rober Gallo announces that a retrovirus causes AIDS
  • The first HTLV-III tests diagnosis of AIDS
  • SF Bathhouses closed
  • The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer opens on Broadway
  • Rock Hudson announces that he has AIDS
  • Ryan White, teenager hemophilia patient, contacts AIDS through blood
  • LA Times Survey finds that most Americans want to quarantine AIDS patients
  • US military start AIDS testing
  • President Reagan mentions AIDS for first time


  • CDC announces that AIDS cases up by 89% and over 50% of identified patients
    have died
  • Surgeon General announces that AIDS transmitted by intimate relationships
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) causes AIDS
  • National Academy of Science estimates that it will take $2 billion on research and
    patient care over the next 3 years
  • Cleve Jones crest first panel of the AIDS Memorial Quilt
  • US bans all people with HIV or AIDS from entering the USA
  • Reagan makes his first public speech on AIDS creating a commission
  • Liberace dies at 67 of AIDS
  • DeSoto County Board of Education bans three hemophiliac brothers with AIDS
  • Larry Krammer in NYC founds AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) to
    create Public Awareness
  • FDA sanctions first efforts to test vaccine
  • CDC launches first public service announcement to kick off AIDS Awareness
  • AZT is first antiretroviral drug, initially used for cancer treatment, is made
    available for HIV
  • FDA accelerates the release of other drugs to 3 years
  • ACT-UP protests on Wall Street to accelerate the release of drugs immediately
  • AIDS Memorial Quilt is displayed on National Mall with 1920 panels
  • United Nations holds first effort to deal with AIDS with WHO to lead
  • Battle between French and US government as to who discovered the existence
    of HIV retrovirus would be shared. An international political panel
  • Princess Di makes international news by shaking hands with HIV-positive patient
    in a London Hospital
  • Ryan White testifies about the stigma of AIDS before the President’s Commission
    on AIDS
  • Reagan signs first authorization for NIH to do AIDS research, clinical trials, and
    preventative education
  • ACT-UP sit-in at FDA to accelerate release of experimental drugs for
    compassionate use
  • FDA approves use of experimental drugs for compassionate use
  • Worlds AIDS Day, December 1, officially make established
  • A needle exchange is established
  • Multiple high-profile individuals die of AIDS


  • Fauci of National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) endorse
    giving HIV-Positive people experimental drugs who are not in a clinical trail
  • US Congress creates National Commission on AIDS, meeting for the first time in
    September 1989
  • CDC approves $11 million for seven community health centers to provide HIV
  • The number of AIDS cases in the United States reaches 100,000
  • Ryan White passes
  • ACT-UP again protests at NIH for more treatments for HIV people
  • World AIDS Conferences meet in SF protesting restrictions on entry of HIV
    people into the United States
  • AIDS counseling services areas approved
  • FDA approves AZT for use in adults and children
  • AIDS Artists Caucus launches the Red Ribbon Project
  • Launch of Community-Based Clinical Trials Programs Act to analyze the
    effectiveness of HIV treatments
  • HUD approves housing assistance for people living with AIDS
  • Magic Johnson announces that he is HIV positive
  • Freddie Mercury dies of AIDS
  • International AIDS Conference scheduled for Boston is moved to Amsterdam
    because of USA restrictions allowing entry of people with HIV/AIDS
  • AIDS becomes the number one cause of death for US men between 25 to 44
  • First quick HIV test is approved by FDA for professional use
  • Ricky Ray, a teen hemophiliac, dies of AIDS sparking a national conversation


  • Clinton is elected. Establishes White House Office of National AIDS policy
  • Woman and IV drug users cases of HIV explodes
  • Rudolf Nureyev and Arthur Ashe die of AIDS
  • Research on the impact of women with AIDS is expanded by NIH
  • Restrictions on HIV/AIDS foreign visitors is codified by Congress
  • AIDS definition is expanded to include HIV positive people with less than 200
    CD4 t-Cells
  • And The Band Plays On, US journalist, author of And the Band Plays On dies at
  • US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes first Guidelines
    for Preventing Transmission of HIV through Transplantation of Human Tissues
    and Organs
  • NIH requires all grants to HIV research and treatment to include women and
  • AZT is approved for pregnant women to prevent transfer to infants
  • FDA approves first protease inhibitor drugs
  • First National HIV Testing Day Program is launched
  • CDC issues first guidelines to prevent opportunistic infections in people with HIV
  • Clints hosts first White House Conference on HIV/AIDS
  • 500,000 cases of AIDS reported in USA
  • 11 th Internation AIDS Conference highlights effective of newer antiretroviral
  • Number of new AIDS cases declines for fist time since the beginning of epidemic
  • AIDS Memorial Quilt in its entirety for first time in National Mall, the entire
    distance from the Capitol to the Washington Memorial
  • AIDS is no longer leading cause of death for people between 25 and 44 although
    it is the leading cause of deaths in the African American community in this age
  • Dr. David HO promotes a new approach to dealing with HIV/AIDS to aggressively
    treating HIV-positive persons with aggressive early treatment, rather than treating
    the later stages
  • UNAIDS begins the global treatment of HIV/AIDS
  • FDA approves test kits to measure VIRAL load of HIV in blood
  • The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative forms to speed up HIV vaccine research
  • First non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor drug is released, a new class
    of antiviral drugs


  • CDC announces that 49% of AIDS cases are African American – 10 times
    Whites and three times Hispanic
  • CDC issues first national treatment guides for use of antiretroviral therapy in
    adults in adolescents
  • Call for Action by Congressional Black Caucus to provide assistance in the
    African American Community
  • The Supreme Court approves the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers
    people with early stages of HIV disease
  • Clinton declares that AIDS is a severe and on-going health crisis in African
    American and Hispanic communities
  • Hemophilia and other clotting disordered diagnosed with HIV receive assistance
  • Congress passes $156 million to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in minority
  • World Health Organization (WHO) announces that HIV/AIDS is fourth biggest
    killer worldwide and number one in Africa
  • Clinton announces formation of LIFE initiative to address the global HIV epidemic
  • Thirty-three million people are living with HIV worldwide
  • Fourteen million died of AIDS worldwide
  • First National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is launched as a grass-roots
    education effort
  • CDC expands surveillance guidelines for tracking HV/AIDS
  • UN meets to discuss impact of AIDS in Africa
  • G-8 releases statement on impact of HIV/AIDS globally
  • Clinton announces Millennium Vaccine Initiative to develop and distribute
  • Clinton signs an executive order to provide general HIV drugs to developing
  • WHO announces jointed initiative with five pharmaceutical manufacturers to
    provide drugs to developing countries
  • Secretary of State Colin Powell reaffirms the national security threat of HIV/AIDS
  • CDC announces initiative to cut HIV infections in US by half in five years
  • Generic HIV drug manufacturers are offered at reduced price to developing


  • Global Fund to Fight AIDS with a partnership of governments, civil society
    organizations, private sector, and affected communities is formed
  • Next Wave of Epode\mic report on HIV in India, China, Russia, Nigeria, and
  • FDA approves release of first rapid HIV diagnostic test for over-the-counter sales
  • UN announces that the leading cause of death in Sharan African and fourth in
    the world. Average life expectancy in Africa drops from 62 years to 47 years
  • Worldwide ten million young people are living with HIV.
  • 3.5 million new infections in sub-Sharan Africa
  • 14 th Annual AIDS Conference is held in Barcelona
  • CDC announce that 40,000 new cases of HIV were identified, but 27,000 of the
    patients had no idea who transmitted the infection
  • President Bush creates the Emergency Plan for AIDS relief in the State of the
    Union, with $15 Billion funding
  • G8 agree to additional funding to fight HIV/AIDS globally
  • Bill & Melinda Gates award $60 million grant for International Partnership for
    Microbicides research
  • Congress approves $350 Million for AIDS relief fund
  • Combination drugs for developing countries in a single package is approved by
  • FDA approves use of oral samples to test for HIV
  • FDA approves co-packaged antiretroviral drug regiment in the US
  • NIH sponsors forum on HIV/AIDS in the Native American community
  • The Ryan White Cares Act is approved for third time
  • WHO promotes the use of HIV tests to quickly identify and reduce the infection
  • CDC reports that over 565,000 deaths of HV in the United States since 1981
  • First observance of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
  • First observance of Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Days
  • Bush signs bill for an additional $48 Billion research, care, and education, and
    change in ban on entry of HIV/AIDS visitors to United States
  • President Obama calls for the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy in the United
  • CDC launches Act Against AIDS campaign, a multi-year program to reduce AIDS
    in America, particularly in the minority communities
  • VA starts testing for HIV/AIDS identifying an increase in veteran cases
  • Washington, DC sees a dramatic increase in HIV cases
  • FDA approves 100 th antiviral drug
  • President Obama launches a $63 billion effort to develop comprehensive
    approach to global pandemic
  • US sees a 17% decrease in HIV/AIDS cases while Asia sees a 25% increase
  • Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is established
  • President OBAMA approves $63 Bil funding for HIV/AIDS research, drug
    distribution, education, and direct care
  • DC AIDS cases take a significant jump
  • US officially lifts ban on HIV travel and immigration
  • NIH announces results of study that daily doses of HIV drugs reduce HIV
    infection in HIV negative individuals
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act expands access to care and
    prevention programs, giving special protections to those living with HIV/AIDS
  • President Obama releases first National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the US
  • Study finds that women who use microbicides have a higher level of protection
    against HIV, a significant finding especially for developing countries where
    contraception is not practiced


  • Federal agencies implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
  • Prep Study finds that taking HIV drugs prophylaxes reduces in incidences of HIV
  • International AIDS Society announces that prophylactic use of retrovirus drugs
    reduces the risk of HIV infections spread in non-HIV patients
  • Office of Nation AIDS Policy launches five regional events to implement
    HIV/AIDS Strategy starting in San Francisco
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shares US plan to eradicate HIV/AIDS in the
    next generation
  • Researchers in Australia find that antiretroviral therapy increase risk of
    cardiovascular disease
  • Truvada is approved as a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) drug
  • New guidelines are released recommending treatment for HIV-infected patients
  • The 21 st International AIDS Conference is held in the United States, first time
    since 1990 (a travesty of discrimination reversed by President Obama)
  • A study of Americans finds the 25% of Americans believe that HIV can be
    transmitted by a glass of water further supporting Americans discrimination
    toward HIV infected pin its entirety in persons
  • First AT-HOME HIV test is approved
  • AIDS Memorial Quilt is displayed in Washington, DC, first time since 1996, nearly
    50,000 volunteers
  • First case of an infant born with HIV recovers with the eradication of the virus
  • New York Times runs tow articles focusing on middle-aged people living with
  • President Obama signs legislation that HIV-infected persons can receive
    transplants from other HIV infected persons
  • National Minority AIDS Council releases action plan to mitigate the impact of
    HIV on black gay and bisexual men
  • UNAIDS announces that 2.3 million people were newly infected with HIV
    during 2012, 35.3 million people around the world living with AIDS including
    1.3 million Americans. In 2012 1.6 million died of AIDS globally


  • ACA bars discrimination in insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Two Boston patients are cured of HIV during treatment for cancer
  • UN expands study of women living with HIV/AIDS which has been overlooked
  • CDC announces that 30% of Americans with HIV were controlling the virus
    through antiretroviral therapy
  • Changes in blood donation guidelines allows men who have relations with other
    men but have abstained for one-year were eligible to donate blood


  • Additional programs are launched for addressing HIV in minority communities
  • A study finds that HIV infections remain stable in US with the majority of cases in
    minorities and southern states
  • CDC finds that 90% of new infections could be prevented by diagnosing people
    that are HIV-positive
  • Indiana has a sudden outbreak of HIV cases linked to drug use
  • NIH launches international clinical trail to study heart disease in people living
    with HIV
  • Study finds that the sooner HIV-positive patients take antiretroviral drugs, the
    lower incidence of the disease progressing to AIDS
  • Study of HIV-1 and HIV-2 finds differences in the acuteness of the infection
  • Further housing assistance is provided to low-income patients with AIDS
  • UNAIDS announces that 15.8 million people were now using antiretroviral
    treatments, doubling the number since 2010
  • amfAR announces establishment of amfAR Institute for HIV Cure Research
  • CDCC announces that US HIV diagnosis from 2005 to 2014 dropped by 19%,
    but minority infections were up during the same period
  • 1 in 5 High School students were tested for HIV in a study. 50% of those that
    were infected had no idea where they were exposed. Education is key to
  • The effectiveness of current antiretroviral declined requiring further expansion of
    drug research. Virus mutation clearly was the cause
  • Research finds that prophylactic use of Truvada is effective, but doses differ for
    men and women
  • HIV vaccine trail was launched in South Africa
  • UN pledges to eradicate HIV by 2030
  • The Gates Foundation donates $140 million in new HIV-Prevention
  • CDC announces significant decrease in death for black/African Americans
    between 1999-2015, deaths by 80%, however, black African Americans have
    higher HIV prevalence rate than any nation in the world
  • National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day join forces to address education and
    care programs
  • Elton John AIDS Foundation raises more than $385 million to support HIV/AIDS
    programs around the world
  • The COMmitemnt to Partnership in Addressing HIV/AIDS in Southern States
    (Compass) with $100 million commitment to support efforts in Southern States


  • Dr. Mathilde Krim dies at 91, the leading researcher for the amfAR research
    program. She is a leading researcher in HIV/AIDS
  • Research shows that pregnant women with HIV taking antiretroviral drugs can
    reduce the chance of passing the virus on to their children
  • Research confirms that early treatment of antiretroviral drugs prevents the
    progression of AIDS in long-term survivors
  • Northwestern study finds that an education program with men between 18 and
    29 reduces sexually transmitted infections by 40%. Education is critical
  • People living with HIV are twice as likely to suffer heart disease than HIV-
    negative counterparts.
  • People with HIV taking antiretroviral treatments live well past 20 years since
    becoming HIV-positive
  • PrEP reduces new HIV infections by 25%. Safe sex is always recommended
  • December 1, 2018, marks the 30 th Anniversary of World AIDS Day
  • NIH finds that HIV reservoir in the body make it difficult to totally eliminate HIV
  • Trump’s goal was to reduce HIV by 75% by 2025 and 90% by 2030
  • Initial tests of long-term HIV antiretroviral drugs, an approach that would
    eliminate the need for daily drugs
  • Research finds that there is a stall in reducing HIV infections (driven by lower
    levels of testing, treatment, prevention, and education during the Trump years
  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funding helped to suppressed the number of
    serious disease progression
  • The rate of HIV deaths fell by 50% between 2017 and 2020
  • Cabenuva is approved as a long-term injectable drug
  • 195 health centers across the country achieved significant results in HIV testing,
    linkage to care, and PrEP protocols. 93% of health centers hired dedicated start

to work on HIV outreach, testing, linkage to care and treatment with over 570,000
people tested, 2,260 HIV-positive individuals identified

  • June 5 marked 40 years since the first identified case, with President Biden and
    his team recognizing the 38 million people today living with HIV
  • Apretude extended-release injectable is approved
  • HRSA releases a recommendation that Ryan White funding also be allocated to
    gender reaffirming care and treatment services, and gender-diverse people with
  • Study found that those treated under the Ryan White Act maintained positive
    results in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Department of Defense allows HIV-positive individuals to serve in the Armed
    Services, no more discharges required
  • Additional education programs were established to promote HIV-positive
    individuals not using antiretroviral therapy to take the drugs (ART Program)
  • White House held a conference to modernize criminal laws regarding HIV
  • Biden Harris White House joined global partners at the International AIDS
    Conference to affirm evidence-based messaging regarding HIV transmission and
  • National HIV/AIDS Strategy detailed 380 programs, policies, research, and
    activities that dozens of Federal Agencies will take from 2022 to 2025
  • Major HIV programs were launched
  • 576,000 individuals received treatment through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS
    Program in 2021
  • Studies of injectable suggests it has superior outcomes to previous HIV pill
  • Biden Harris Administration announces new steps to support transgender
    community including how to affirm LGBTQ+ youth
  • Harm Reduction Framework put in place to provide integrated approach to HIV,
    viral hepatitis, and healthcare service for people using drugs
  • FDA adjusted guidelines for blood donor eligibility
  • MPOX public health crisis vaccination program put in place for people with HIV
  • Biden Harris administration announces new actions to protect attacks on the
    GLBTQ+ community with priority for youth 13 to 24
  • Biden Harris Administration announces programs for long-term survivors and
    elderly living with HIV
  • Additional research and treatment for long-term survivors dealing with
    cardiovascular disease
  • NIH continued studies of HIV vaccines with additional clinical trials
  • Studies indicate that one-third of potential PrEP candidates are actively using the
    PrEP drugs
  • The Biden White House reaffirm its commitment to the 2023 HIV/AIDS Strategy