Sunday, January 13, 10:30am – 11:30am @ Berrien UU Fellowship

This Sunday, January 13, we will be dedicating our service to becoming a continually more “Welcoming Congregation.” The service is being planned and led by BUUF members, many of whom serve on our Welcoming Congregation Committee. Dave Sarra, Welcoming Committee Chair, will be our service leader and talk about “why working on a committee (WCC, in particular) is important to me.” Charles Long will offer a 5-minute preface on becoming a welcoming congregation. Gloria Weberg will read the story for all ages. Lisa Fuller and Harvey Johnson will lead us in hymns. Candace Onweller will be our pianist, and the BUUF Musicians will perform the song “Deep Peace” as part of the benediction. Nico Rojas will be putting together the slides and serving as our projectionist.

Our guest speaker is Mary Jo Schnell, executive director of the OutCenter. She will be bringing us a message on “HOPE!” The mission of the OutCenter is to provide support and advocacy for respect, understanding and nondiscrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied persons and their families in Southwestern Michigan. This is an organization that BUUF and its members support in many ways, including hosting their annual Halloween party.

The RE class for children will be taught by Rachel Reed and the topic is “Life Giving Plants.” There will be a BUUF Musicians rehearsal prior to the service beginning at 9:30 AM and a BUUF Board Meeting beginning at 8:30 AM.

A little background on this service: In late 2018, the Welcoming Congregation Committee (WCC) surveyed BUUF members and friends on how well we are carrying out our commitment to being a Welcoming Congregation and where we could improve. Based on survey feedback, the WCC is planning a number of initiatives this year, beginning with this special service and continuing through the process of recertifying our designation as a Welcoming Congregation.