Last Sunday’s service explored the topic of creating and deepening connections with friends. This Sunday’s service goes a step further. How do we proceed when inevitable conflicts arise, especially among members of our fellowship? How can our principles and covenant inform us as we evaluate the situation and work toward an ethical, fair and loving resolution?
Lisa Fuller will lead this Sunday’s service and introduce the service topic. Joanne Krettek will share some tools and resources for remaining in relationship with one another while resolving disagreements. As usual, our Music Director Beth La Fleur is planning some beautiful music, while other BUUFers will bring us readings, the Story for All Ages and the RE class for children. (Note: Children will be practicing the song and skit they will perform at the May 14th cabaret. As in prior weeks, children are encouraged to bring an offering of kitchen scraps for our compost bin.)
Join us in person or on Zoom, as we explore strategies to maintain and protect our sacred family ties, friendships, and this UU congregation.