“Celebrating Blessings” is the Small Group Ministry topic in June. You are invited to attend one of two Small Group sessions this month: Friday, June 17th from 6:20-8:30pm or Tuesday, June 21st, from 1-3pm.
The June 17th group will be meeting in-person at BUUF, and there will be snacks! The June 21st group meets over Zoom. We are still accepting new members into each Chalice Circle.
Small Group Ministry members are invited to review the monthly packet beforehand and reflect on the readings and questions. (To access the discussion packet for June, go to berrienuu.org/Fellowship Resources and click on “Small Group Ministry June 2022” to download the packet.) In small group meetings, we’ll discuss our reflections in a series of discussion rounds. Unlike other discussion groups, in Chalice Circles we do not engage in cross-talk or debate particular points of view. Instead, we each share our reflections and honor one another through focused listening. More details on this unique discussion approach can be found in the Participant Guide.