March 24, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Harvey Johnson
There will be a Green Sanctuary Team meeting March 24 at 7 pm via ZOOM. The link is below. More info as we get closer. Please provide agenda items that are on your mind.
We will discuss;
- Return of Environmental Justice Film April 21 (3rd Thursday) – please bring suggestions for a Climate Action Film
- Earth Day Friday April 22
- Green Sanctuary Sunday Service April 24
- Spring planting and planning
- Mowing Team
- BUUF Building and Grounds maintenance projects
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99653109271?pwd=YUVpY2J5enFCVGQ4TGJNUVdwdWYwUT09
Meeting ID: 996 5310 9271
Passcode: 732271