March 14, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Joanne Krettek
BUUF Cabaret Planning Session

Once upon a time, BUUF used to host an annual Cabaret / Auction / Pledge Appreciation Dinner. Unfortunately, this hasn’t happened for the past couple of years due to Covid. We are excited to see this event return in May, 2022! Our President Harvey Johnson has even agreed to be MC / Auctioneer for the event!

If you would like to help plan food, decorations and entertainment for the event, or help with planning the auction, please join our planning session on Monday, March 14th at 10am over Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97651975169?pwd=L1NsNDd4cDNrM2dNTTZWcDh0cFdjUT09

Meeting ID: 976 5197 5169
Passcode: 552923

If you cannot make this meeting or just want to offer suggestions to the team, please email Joanne at office@berrienuu.org.