This Sunday at BUUF guest speakers Sandy and Larry Feldman spoke on Confronting Racial Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination. Sandy and Larry are co-founders and coordinators of All God’s Children Community Choir based in Southwest Michigan.

Confronting Racial Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Larry and Sandy Feldman

Acknowledge that everyone harbors stereotypes and prejudices, which may be conscious or unconscious.

Recognize that stereotypes and prejudices can, and often do, lead to discriminatory behavior (intentional or unintentional), demeaning language, and threats of violence.

Acknowledge that problems can only be overcome when they are recognized.

Recognize that we are most effective in helping others change when we acknowledge the problem in ourselves.

Be aware of your own discomfort about confronting stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination (your own and those of others).

Reduce your discomfort with constructive self-talk.

Confront the behavior, not the person.

Try to establish empathy by asking the person to imagine how they would if they were on the receiving end of discriminatory talk or behavior.

Frame your response to the context (family or friends; acquaintances; strangers; the public)

Express your objections clearly but constructively, and request specific change (personal and/or systemic)

Explain your reasons for objecting and requesting change (negative effects of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination)

Engage in constructive dialogue (empathetic, respectful listening; constructive responses)

Invite participation in on-going dialogue.

Invite participation in racially diverse activities.

Work to eliminate systemic racial discrimination in education, employment, health care, legal systems, housing, voting, media representations, etc.

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