August 25, 2024
your weekly newsletter of events & issues
You are welcome here.
For every individual searching for spiritual meaning, Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship provides a welcoming and caring religious community dedicated to diversity of thought, social and environmental justice, and peace for all.
Your donations help us build a loving and just community.
Coming up: Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 10:30am
What Does the UU Chalice Mean to You?
Emerson believed, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
And Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place. It is not a way of being. It is Being itself.)
The Worship theme this Sunday, September 1st is: "What Does the UU Chalice Mean to You?" Charles Long, Leanne Thomas, Linda Lobik, and Deej & Hunter Leggitt will share what the chalice means to each of them, personally. Additionally, Rev. Jim McConnell, in a message titled "The Courage to Be" will explore how the UU Chalice is a symbol encouraging each of us to be a self in a world that only wants our conformity. Plus, Beth La Fleur will have some more great music and DRE Rachel Reed has another great Story for All Ages. Come in person or join on Zoom.
To join BUUF’s Sunday Service via Zoom, please click this link; Meeting ID: 973 1741 4085; Password: 354882. If you have trouble getting connected please contact Beth LaFleur (269-932-8598). To minimize background noise, please mute yourself unless you are speaking. Please leave your camera on; we love knowing you are there.
- Brett Maccani, Small Group Ministry: Since the September meeting falls on a holiday we are moving the meeting to the following Monday the 9th at 6:30 at BUUF.
- Ellen Higdon: Our next batch of postcards for UU the Vote (working with the Center for Common Ground) will be going to Georgia. They need to be sent early, so we need them back in two weeks. If you can help, please see me. Thank you to all who helped financially after last service. Your generosity is appreciated.
- Julia Ryan: I have a request that you sign the petition to drop all charges against trafficking survivor Chrystal Kizer. It's very unfair. Click here to sign the petition. From the page:
- Chrystul Kizer is an incarcerated trafficking survivor who is being charged with life in prison for acting in self-defense against her trafficker. The punishment that Chrystul is facing for defending her own life signals that black women and girls have no selves to defend.
Correction to last weeks Announce: Meeting is on Zoom (not at BUUF)
The Social Justice Committee
will meet Wednesday, September 11, from 7-8pm on Zoom.
Please get with Laurie Myers or Brett Maccani, co-chairs, or
Orientation Invitation for BUUF Newcomers
2:00 - 5:00 pm Sunday, September 22nd at BUUF. Refreshments served.
Folx newer to BUUF are warmly invited to attend the fall Newcomer’s Orientation.
Short presentations from BUUF leaders help newcomers learn about BUUF
and get to know its leadership.
On the program: Sunday Services & Music Rev. Jim & Beth La Fleur; RE & Faith Development DRE Rachel Reed; Social Justice Laurie Myers, Board President Don Shaffer; Nominating & Leadership Development Harvey Johnson; Membership Lisa Marie Fuller
All are welcome and there is no charge to attend. Childcare available upon request. RSVP to Lisa Marie Fuller at Lmfuller0116@gmail.com or 269-470-7379. We hope to see you there!
Parent's Night Out
will be held on Saturday, Aug 31 from 5:30-8:30
as that was the best time for Membership to host kids at the church. We will be gathering at Peat's Cider Social for bowling and games. Any friends of BUUF are welcome to join us there, not just parents! However, if you do plan to attend and drop off kids, please RSVP to Lisa Fuller (lmfuller0116@gmail.com) so she can have an idea of how many kids will be attending.
Check out our list of ongoing BUUF'ortunites to get together.
It's posted on the kiosk by the kitchen, and at the bottom of this Announce newsletter.
Leanne Thomas: I will be teaching an Art Journaling class at the Krasl starting September 16 and running for 4 weeks. Registration is open. I'm excited! class info here
Coming up: Saturday, September 7
Soup Kitchen
Share some smiles. Please come to cook, serve, or both, and enjoy hanging with your BUUF friends. Cooking starts at 9:00am. Food service starts at 11:45am and runs til 12:45pm.
Sign Up Now for Circle Suppers
Introducing . . . BUUF Circle Suppers! Gather for a meal with other BUUFers in host homes. Guests are randomly assigned to the home of a different host each month (don't worry: perfect attendance is not required). Dinners will be on Second Saturdays, Sept through March--though if a host wants a different date they can arrange it with their guests. Hosts will provide a main dish and non-alcoholic beverage. Guests will provide an appetizer, side dish or dessert and BYOB if desired. Join the fun! Singles, couples, families, and even those who don't cook--all are invited!
Hosts and guests will receive their September assignments at the end of the month.
Let the festivities begin!
- Tina Eberly: Our RE kids here at BUUF are collecting non-perishable foods for the soup kitchen and local food banks. They want to impact food insecurity in our area. We will have a box by the RE room for you to place your donations.
Calling all artists! Especially kids!
We will be opening up the art wall in Fuller Fellowship Hall in beginning in September for any BUUF kids who would like to show their art. Julie Williams has a variety of picture frames—9x11 and smaller—that she can bring to BUUF if the artists could use them. Please list name of artist, artwork title, and price or NFS (not for sale), and give that info to Leanne Thomas office@berrienuu.org if you are interested.
Available to subscribers only. Please feel free to subscribe on our homepage.
Spoken or unspoken, we hold you in our hearts.
September Birthdays
Happy Happy!
Elizabeth |
Goodwin |
9/1 |
Lia |
McCoskey |
9/1 |
Scott |
Frankel |
9/2 |
Nan |
Lundeen |
9/10 |
Ania |
Bijak |
9/15 |
Reuben |
Lorenz |
9/25 |
Michelle |
McHale |
9/30 |
David |
Richardson |
9/30 |
Drum Circle
- Last Sunday of each month from 12:30-1:30 in the BUUF Sanctuary
- All are welcome to join. Feel free to bring your own drum, or share what we have. All over the age of 8 are welcome to attend and participate.
- There is a $5.00 donation requested to build a drumming fund for special events.
Euchre, Anyone?
- Thursdays at 3:30–5:30pm in various BUUFers' homes
- You do not need to know how to play. Contact Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, office@berrienuu.org or 407-488-4057
Men's Group
- Second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at BUUF
- If you have any questions, please contact Nico Rojas at lucificador@gmail.com
New Moon Womyn's Circle
- 6:15—9:00pm on or around the new moon each month at various locations
- Contact Lisa Fuller lmfuller0116@gmail.com to be added to our email list.
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in Benton Harbor
- First Saturday of the month from 9:00am—1:00pm
- 233 Michigan St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
- Feel free to come for all or part of this opportunity to help. Contact Leanne Thomas office@berrienuu.org for more info.
Small Group Ministry
- First Monday of the month at 6:30pm at BUUF
- The curriculum is always heart and mind opening. This is a friendly way to get to know other interesting BUUFers—as well as yourself! For details contact our DRE Rachel Reed dre@berrienuu.org
Writing Group
- Every other Monday at Noon at BUUF
- Bring your lunch, notebook, and favorite pen. Contact Patrice Grant at astilbe531@gmail.com or Leanne Thomas office@berrienuu.org for next meeting date. Janice Zerfas is also a leader.
Call for Volunteers
There are many ways at BUUF to connect with other BUUFers and serve the fellowship. Scan this list of Volunteer opportunities to find one that fits your interests and skill set. There's truly something for everyone at BUUF.
For help with any of this, please contact
Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin,
Would you like a copy of our Members & Friends directory including our leadership roster? Just let me know.
BUUF Caring Committee Do you need a call or a card, some food or funds? Application forms for the caring fund are available in Fuller Fellowship Hall behind the visitor's table. Many requests for support can be fulfilled simply by reaching out.
BUUF on the World Wide Web
Did you know BUUF has a hearty online presence? BUUF members are invited to visit and become familiar with BUUF's website, facebook page, private facebook group and YouTube channel. These platforms provide information about BUUF governance, upcoming events, discussion of various topics and an opportunity to view previous services and messages.
Being familiar with these online locations will help you participate more fully in BUUF activities and share information with others who might appreciate our BUUF community.
For information about upcoming events, visit, like, and follow BUUF on Facebook at
Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship • 4340 Lincoln Ave, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085