January 5, 2025

your weekly newsletter of events & issues

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For every individual searching for spiritual meaning, Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship provides a welcoming and caring religious community dedicated to diversity of thought, social and environmental justice, and peace for all.
Your donations help us build a loving and just community.
Coming up: Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 10:30am

Learning from Our Mistakes

Join us this Sunday for a heartfelt and reflective service on the theme of "Learning from Our Mistakes." BUUFers Jim Gehring, Karen Coleman, and Patrice Grant will bravely share mistakes they have made and the lessons they've learned, showing how challenges can lead to spiritual growth and maturity. Rev. Jim McConnell will offer a short message titled, "The Gift of Getting It Wrong," where he shares a significant mistake he made, how it shaped him into a better minister, and taught him to live more graciously. DRE Rachel Reed will bring a Story for All Ages to inspire children and adults alike, while Beth La Fleur will once again uplift us with beautiful music. Clayton and Audrey Antosz-Flowers will guide our Chalice Work, adding warmth and light to our time together. Come in person or join us on Zoom for this meaningful exploration of growth, grace, and the wisdom that comes from missteps. We look forward to seeing you there!
To join BUUF’s Sunday Service via Zoom, please click this link; Meeting ID: 973 1741 4085; Password: 354882. If you have trouble getting connected please contact Beth LaFleur (‭269-932-8598‬). To minimize background noise, please mute yourself unless you are speaking. Please leave your camera on; we love knowing you are there. We use the same Zoom link every Sunday.


Vicki Thomas (for Janice Zerfas): Clare, Mary Lou Elson's sister, could really use a ride to Kalamazoo to see Mary Lou. Please contact Clare directly:

Home: 269-429-8449, Cell: 269-930-5235 Email: rutlins45@gmail.com

  • Harvey Johnson: Six BUUFers helped out at the soup kitchen yesterday. Thank you! Enjoy leftover pizza at potluck.
  • Leanne Thomas: Raffle today! Beautiful wooden jewelry box with drawers donated by Sandy Tardi brought $35. Money goes into the building and grounds fund to keep BUUF spiffy.
  • Check out our lost & found basket in the coat hanging area.
  • Thank you to our Board President Don Shaffer for repairing our mailbox door which had been wrenched out of shape. After quite a bit of excellent tinkering, it's working great now!





I hope you’ve all had a lovely holiday season. Our SJC meeting this month will be next Wednesday, January 8th, at BUUF. We will convene at 6:00pm for a potluck dinner, followed by the meeting at 7:00. We need to discuss what we want our priorities to be this year and how we want to achieve them. If you’d like to put anything on the agenda, please let me know.
Happy New Year! Laurie Myers, Chairperson SJC

You Matter, by Christian Robinson, our Story for All Ages this week, had a great message for all of us.

It's good to be reminded that we matter, no matter what.

Thanks to Beth La Fleur for reading.
Click here for Forever Books in downtown St. Joe to shop local if you'd like a copy as a gift to a friend or to yourself.

January, 2025

How interesting that we are starting a new year. I just turned 70 this year and waited for my Social Security to give me the maximum benefit. It is truly wonderful to get a check and not have to work in the present for it. As publishing time for the Green Sanctuary comes around, I am wondering what article I will go with next. All the choices are floating around on the internet waiting to be plucked down into the next article.
One of my favorite areas is the green energy transition. Back in 2016, Bloomberg came out with an article predicting the decline of oil demand as electric vehicles become more numerous.
8 years ago, things didn’t develop as rapidly as their 2016 computer projection. We now have legacy (gas) automakers developing all different models of EVs. And things are mildly interesting that the transition is happening. But low and behold in the background development is China. Back to searching for the next article, this one takes the cake for the next big change in the world to arrive on our shores.
What Are The Implications Of $66/kWh Battery Packs In China?
That’s an astounding price, as earlier this year even I, as a battery optimist, was astounded by CATL’s announcement that it would be shipping LFP cells at $56 per kWh.
The $56 is the battery cell level of pricing. The $66 level is the entire pack that fits on the back of a semi-trailer made up of individual cells. The United States and the rest of the world cannot compete with that. Adding to this China is making electric vehicles that are far nicer than ours for far less. The tariff we have doesn’t put us on a level playing field with China. It is still an advantage to China.
The containerized battery packs increasingly being used on ships of all sizes will be cheaper, and the Berkeley Labs 2022 study published in Nature suggests that $66 per kWh battery packs would make 2,500 kilometer (1553 miles) maritime trips break even economically against fossil fuel prices without subsidies.
I thought it was not possible to cross the oceans by being driven by batteries just two days ago. With a little bit of subsidy and possible hybridization, ocean ships can transverse the world on next to no fossil fuels.
Our president-elect coming up wants to resist all this change. Doing a favor for Big Oil for all the funding for him in his campaign. This will slow us down and China will be hindered in the least with massive incentives for their worldwide clean energy paradigm. The United States is not united in this manner. Just the same, we will reach 100% renewable energy someday. That is the important part. I would hope for the US to truly lead in this area, but reality so far favors China.
We are in the middle of energy change in the world. The wealth of the fossil fuel industry starts to decline, and the electrification of our energy will truly increase over time. I have paid attention to the author Micheal Barnard over time. He is quite talented in his contributions to energy knowledge online. If you want to know more about him, there is a bio at the end of the article.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your reading pleasure. I hope your holidays went well.
Jeff Green

Joys & Concerns

Available to subscribers. Feel free to subscribe on our homepage.

Spoken or unspoken, we hold you in our hearts.

Ongoing BUUF'ortunities

Drum Circle

  • Last Sunday of each month from 12:30-1:30 in the BUUF Sanctuary
  • All are welcome to join. Feel free to bring your own drum, or share what we have.
    All over the age of 8 are welcome to attend and participate.
  • There is a $5.00 donation requested to build a drumming fund for special events.

Euchre, Anyone?

  • Thursdays at 3:30–5:30pm in various BUUFers' homes
  • You do not need to know how to play. Contact Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, office@berrienuu.org or 407-488-4057

Men's Group

  • Second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at BUUF
  • If you have any questions, please contact Nico Rojas at lucificador@gmail.com

New Moon Women's Circle

  • 6:15—9:00pm on or around the new moon each month at various locations
  • Contact Lisa Fuller lmfuller0116@gmail.com to be added to our email list.

Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in Benton Harbor

  • First Saturday of the month from 9:00am–1:00pm
  • 233 Michigan St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  • Feel free to come for all or part of this opportunity to help. Contact Leanne Thomas office@berrienuu.org for more info.

Social Justice Committee

  • Second Wednesday of the month from 7:00–8:00pm
  • We meet via Zoom, and occasionally in person.
    For more information, contact Brett Maccani or Laurie Myers ljm1960@att.net.

Small Group Ministry

  • First Monday of the month at 6:30pm at BUUF
  • The curriculum is always heart and mind opening. This is a friendly way to get to know other interesting BUUFers—as well as yourself! For details contact our DRE Rachel Reed dre@berrienuu.org

Writing Group

  • Second and Fourth Mondays at Noon at BUUF
  • Bring your lunch, notebook, and favorite pen. Contact Patrice Grant at astilbe531@gmail.com or Leanne Thomas office@berrienuu.org for next meeting date. Janice Zerfas is also a leader.

Call for Volunteers

There are many ways at BUUF to connect with other BUUFers and serve the fellowship. Scan this list of Volunteer opportunities to find one that fits your interests and skill set. There's truly something for everyone at BUUF.

For help with any of this, please contact

Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin,

407-488-4057 office@berrienuu.org

Would you like a copy of our Members & Friends directory including our leadership roster? Just let me know.
In this congregation
BUUF Caring Committee Do you need a call or a card, some food or funds? Application forms for the caring fund are available in Fuller Fellowship Hall behind the visitor's table. Many requests for support can be fulfilled simply by reaching out. Call or text Leanne at the number above.
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BUUF on the World Wide Web
Did you know BUUF has a hearty online presence? BUUF members are invited to visit and become familiar with BUUF's website, facebook page, private facebook group and YouTube channel. These platforms provide information about BUUF governance, upcoming events, discussion of various topics and an opportunity to view previous services and messages.
Being familiar with these online locations will help you participate more fully in BUUF activities and share information with others who might appreciate our BUUF community.
For BUUF history, governance information and much, much more visit the website at https://berrienuu.org/.
For information about upcoming events, visit, like, and follow BUUF on Facebook at
To share info and participate in discussions with other BUUFers, join BUUF's private Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/235633159789553
To view previous services (abridged for privacy) or messages delivered during Sunday Services, visit BUUF's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1HR_Yar9OKKWzAou31ETLw.
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