May 19, 2024
your weekly newsletter of events & issues
You are welcome here.
For every individual searching for spiritual meaning, Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship provides a welcoming and caring religious community dedicated to diversity of thought, social and environmental justice, and peace for all.
Your donations help us build a loving and just community.
Potluck & Raffle this Sunday
Coming up: Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 10:30am
BUUF Annual Meeting
BUUF's Annual Meeting:
This Sunday, June 2nd at 10:30 at BUUF
There will be no regular Sunday Service. Instead, at the meeting, the state of the BUFF fellowship will be discussed and any other business that may be brought to the meeting. Voting members will be able to vote for those nominated for Leadership positions and also the Social Justice Committee's recommendations for use of the Restricted Endowment Fund.
All members are strongly urged to attend. Thank you.
To join BUUF’s Sunday Service via Zoom, please click this link; Meeting ID: 973 1741 4085; Password: 354882. If you have trouble getting connected please contact Beth LaFleur (269-932-8598). To minimize background noise, please mute yourself unless you are speaking. Please leave your camera on; we love knowing you are there.
This Saturday: Salvation Army Soup Kitchen
9:00am—1:00pm • 233 Michigan St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
- Ellen Higdon: I will be doing UU the Vote again this year. We send out postcards to encourage folks to vote. If you're interested, please see me.
- Lisa Fuller: This is the last week of the pledge drive. We are a third of our way to our goal with a third of our fellowship particating. We would like to finish with 100% participation. Pledge forms are on our website as well as printed out in Fuller Fellowship Hall. Any amount is appreciated.
- Gretchen Ohman: Remember drum circle is today at 12:30! All are welcome. We have drums to share. You don't have to know how to drum to participate.
- Brett Maccani: I will not be able to lead and set up our spot (our spot is paid for) at OutCenter's PrideFest this year. There are three dates and three locations this year: Benton Harbor, Cass County, and Niles. We are looking for one or several people to take on the leadership for this. I will assist but can't be in charge of it all. The dates are: June 8, 15, & 22.
- Candace Onweller: My students' piano recital will be on Saturday, June 1st, at 5:00pm here at BUUF. All are welcome.
- Also, June 3 at 7:00pm the Women's Choir that I sing in will be performing at the 1st Congregational Church.
- May 23 there is a jazz concert at LMC.
- BUUF Writers' Group: We will be using Ross Gay's nonfiction micro essays Book of Delights as we transition from Steve Leder's For You When I Am Gone. We will meet June 3rd, and 17 at Noon at BUUF. Join us! We will be meeting in three weeks, June 3rd due to Memorial Day. Then again on June 17th. Janice Zerfas & Patrice Grant
Wanted: Someone to clean the kitchen and dining area floors at BUUF with a floor buffer. The buffer will be provided. This can be done at your convenience but please completed by the end of June. You will not be responsible for removing and replacing all the tables and chairs! Your time will be compensated. If you are interested, please contact Leanne Thomas so arrangements can be made. 407-488-4057. Thank You!
Joys and Concerns are available in the emailed version of this BUUF Announce.
Please subscribe on our website's front page.
Spoken or unspoken, we hold you in our hearts.
New Moon Womyn's Circle
- 6:15—9:00, each month
on or around the new moon
- Contact Lisa Fuller lmfuller0116@gmail.com to be added to our email list.
Writing Group
- Every other Monday at Noon at BUUF. Bring your lunch, notebook, and favorite pen.
- Contact Patrice Grant at astilbe531@gmail.com or Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, office@berrienuu.org 407-488-4057 for more information. Janice Zerfas is also a leader.
Euchre, Anyone?
- Thursdays at 3:30–5:30pm at BUUFers' homes. You do not need to know how to play.
- Contact Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, office@berrienuu.org or 407-488-4057
Small Group Ministry
- 6:30pm, first Monday of the month
- The curriculum is always mind-opening and enchanting. This is a friendly way to get to know other interesting BUUFers—as well as yourself! For details contact our DRE Rachel Reed dre@berrienuu.org
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in Benton Harbor
- 9:00am—1:00pm, first Saturday of the month • 233 Michigan St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
- Feel free to come for all or part of this opportunity to be of help. Contact Leanne Thomas office@berrienuu.org or Rev. Jim McConnell for info.
For help with any of this, please contact
Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin,
Would you like a copy of our Members & Friends directory including our leadership roster?
BUUF Caring Committee Do you need a call or a card, some food or funds? Application forms for the caring fund are available in Fuller Fellowship Hall behind the visitor's table. Many requests for support can be fulfilled simply by reaching out.
BUUF on the World Wide Web
Did you know BUUF has a hearty online presence? BUUF members are invited to visit and become familiar with BUUF's website, facebook page, private facebook group and YouTube channel. These platforms provide information about BUUF governance, upcoming events, discussion of various topics and an opportunity to view previous services and messages.
Being familiar with these online locations will help you participate more fully in BUUF activities and share information with others who might appreciate our BUUF community.
For information about upcoming events, visit, like, and follow BUUF on Facebook at
Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship • 4340 Lincoln Ave, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085