

For every individual searching for spiritual meaning, Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship provides a welcoming and caring religious community dedicated to diversity of thought, social and environmental justice, and peace for all.
Your donations help us build
a more loving and just community.


April 28, 2024

your weekly newsletter of
events & issues

You are welcome here.


Coming up: Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 10:30am

Principles and Practices of a Buddhist UU

"Irrigators channel waters; fletchers straighten arrows; carpenters bend wood; the wise master themselves."

The Buddha

This coming Sunday we will have a Buddhist-themed service organized by fellowship members who are practicing Buddhists. We will review The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path, along with how Buddhist principles and practices have enriched the lives of many BUUFers. We may even hear about their experiences at Buddhist retreats or meeting with Tibetan Lamas. In addition, we will enjoy some music, meditation and possibly a reading from the Buddhist scriptures. Rev. Jim will bring the Story for All Ages.

As it is the first Sunday of the month, we will enjoy a potluck luncheon following the service. Bring a dish to pass, or just bring your appetite. Not everyone brings a dish every time, but everyone is encouraged to enjoy the food and fellowship!
To join BUUF’s Sunday Service via Zoom, please click this link; Meeting ID: 973 1741 4085; Password: 354882. If you have trouble getting connected please contact Beth LaFleur (‭269-932-8598‬). To minimize background noise, please mute yourself unless you are speaking. Please leave your camera on; we love knowing you are there.
We enjoy being in fellowship with you wherever you are.





Thank you to ALL who participated, showed up, entertained us, and fed us!

Welcome New BUUFers!

With joy we welcome the following new members to BUUF.

March 24th Ingathering: Celia Barnes and Don Shaffer, Christopher & Crystal Bartlett, Betsy & Michael Bradley, Scott Frankel & Laurie Myers, Holly Garces, and Peter Tortorello. April 28th Membership Book Signing: Charlene Thomas, and Robin Fenwick.

Friends of BUUF may sign the membership book at any time. New member Ingathering ceremonies are held in the fall and spring. All members are encouraged to make a pledge of financial or in-kind support to BUUF. The Unitarian Universalist Association has developed a fair-share giving guide that suggests a minimum financial commitment of 2 percent of income for congregants earning up to $10,000. At the other end of the spectrum, the guide suggests a full tithe of 10 percent of income, regardless of a congregant’s income level. Pledges of any amount are deeply appreciated. Pledging members receive voting rights in BUUF's congregational matters and are eligible to serve in elected Board, Endowment and Nominating Committee positions.

Lisa Marie Fuller, Harvey Johnson
Membership Co-Chairs


  • TODAY: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel
    will be speaking at Lake Michigan College in the Hanson Auditorium on Tuesday, April 30, doors open at 5:45pm for 6:00pm talk on how to protect voting rights. contributed by Celia Barnes
  • TONIGHT: Nan Lundeen at the Bridgman Public Library, 6:00pm
  • Harvey Johnson: The mowing schedule is open now. We are a co-op here and could use two people per week for half hour to an hour during this heavy growing season. The battery of our electric riding mower lasts about an hour. I will be happy to give lessons and transmit my secret knowledge.
  • Candace Onweller: Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra and Youth Orchestra will be having a concert on May 11, 7:30pm, at the Mendel Center. Also, next Monday, at the First Congregational Church (on Niles Avenue in St. Joe) at 7:00pm, Jared and four other scholarship winners will be performing. They are all very good. It's free.
  • Patrice Grant: BUUF Writing Group meets every two weeks at noon here at BUUF. All are welcome. Brown bag your lunch and join us with your pen and notebook. We meet tomorrow (Monday.)
  • Joan Guilfoyle: I'm donating this painting by local artist and past art teacher, Julie Bender. It is a watercolor of the St. Joe lighthouse. Gloria and I saw her start this painting during Covid on the beach.
  • Joan Guilfoyle (for Diane Gibbons): Thank you to Brett Maccani, who is stepping down as DRE to move on to other things. And welcome our new DRE, Rachel Reed. Rachel has been a teacher for our kids, and we welcome her now as Director of Religious Education here at BUUF.
  • Rachel Reed: Look for a religious education survey in an upcoming BUUF Announce. As the new DRE, I'm very interested to see what our congregation wants to learn about in RE.
  • Lisa Fuller: Yard signs for the May Market are here! Please pick yours up on the table at the back of the sanctuary if you ordered one. Our cost is ~$14 per sign. If you would like to sponsor a sign (pay and pick up after for reuse next year) for one of our public locations, please see Lisa Fuller or Leanne Thomas. There are also lots of postcards to hand out, mail, or post at your local gathering places. Please help yourself.
This year's fundraiser is a plant/bake sale called May Market. It will be Saturday, May 18th, from 9 AM-1PM, at BUUF. There are many ways to help. Some things need to be done now, others not until April or May. We really need all hands on deck for this to be successful. Event goals are to increase awareness of the importance of pollinator plants, raise money for BUUF's operating expenses, and have a lot of fun working together for the betterment of our community.
CLICK HERE to see what is needed and indicate where you can help.

May Market

Peace, Lisa Marie Fuller (Plant Sale) 269-470-7379 & Laurie Myers (Bake Sale) 708-606-0391
May Market Co-Chairs
Nancy Gilpin: The migrant workers are here. There is a blue bin at the back of the sanctuary to collect BLANKETS & BATH TOWELS. Clean used items are good. Clark and I will deliver them.

Whether your joy & concern is spoken or unspoken, we hold you in our hearts.

Please use the link on our website to subscribe to the BUUF Announce weekly email in order to read of our joys and concerns.

Ongoing BUUF Opportunities

New Moon Womyn's Circle

  • 6:15—9:00, each month
    on or around the new moon
  • Contact Lisa Fuller to be added to our email list.

Writing Group

  • Every other Monday at Noon at BUUF
    Bring your lunch, notebook, and favorite pen.
  • Contact Patrice Grant at or Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, 407-488-4057 for more information. Janice Zerfas is also leading this group.

Euchre, Anyone?

  • Thursdays at 3:30–5:30pm at BUUFers' homes
    You do not need to know how to play. We will teach you.
  • Contact Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, or 407-488-4057 for more info

Small Group Ministry

  • 6:30pm, first Monday of the month
  • The curriculum is always mind-opening and enchanting. This is a friendly way to get to know other interesting BUUFers—as well as yourself! For details contact our
    DRE Brett Maccani

Salvation Army Soup Kitchen
in Benton Harbor

  • 9:00am—1:00pm, first Saturday of the month
    233 Michigan St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
  • Feel free to come for all or part of this opportunity to be of help. Contact Leanne Thomas or Rev. Jim McConnell for info.

BUUF Caring Committee

If you need help, please contact Leanne Thomas, Office Admin, at 407-488-4057 or

Your request will be met with respect and confidentiality.

Application forms are available in Fuller Fellowship Hall in the cubby behind the visitor's table.

For a copy of our Members & Friends directory,

which includes our leadership roster,
please contact Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, at

Beautiful BUUF: Maintenance

CLICK HERE for the BUUF maintenance list

If you're handy, please take a gander at the list in the above link and see if anything sparks your interest. If you would like to lend a hand indoors or outdoors, please contact Leanne Thomas, BUUF Office Admin, at 407-488-4057 or
facebook instagram youtube website 

BUUF on the World Wide Web

Did you know BUUF has a hearty online presence? BUUF members are invited to visit and become familiar with BUUF's website, facebook page, private facebook group and YouTube channel. These platforms provide information about BUUF governance, upcoming events, discussion of various topics and an opportunity to view previous services and messages.
Being familiar with these online locations will help you participate more fully in BUUF activities and share information with others who might appreciate our BUUF community.
For BUUF history, governance information and much, much more visit the website at
For information about upcoming events, visit, like, and follow BUUF on Facebook at
To share info and participate in discussions with other BUUFers, join BUUF's private Facebook group at
To view previous services (abridged for privacy) or messages delivered during Sunday Services, visit BUUF's YouTube channel

You are welcome here.

Everyone is welcome here. You are welcome here regardless of your age, your race, your income, your religion, or the gender with which you identify. You are welcome here regardless of who you love, who you vote for, the regrets that burden you or the mistakes you have made.
In this safe community we support each other in the sacred task of Becoming, celebrate the transcending mystery of life, and rely on the transforming power of love. Here, we revere the words of the great teachers such as Jesus, the Buddha, and Confucius. It is however, the task of every UU to be their own Buddha, their own Jesus, their own Confucius. It is our work, as a community to walk with each other along the spiritual pathways that lead towards happiness, compassion, and Life fully lived. And, while we are a safe harbor where there is solace and healing, we are also a launching pad from which we are propelled into the tumult of life to live courageously, justly and lovingly.
In this sacred place we create the structures that lift up the down trodden, set the captives free, and heal the broken hearted. Here we have learned that to be fully human is to be fully divine and that with a little help from our friends we can each tell our own unique story.

We honor all religions.
This is a religion of religions.

Whatever path you choose,
we're going to walk with you.

Rev. Jim McConnell
facebook instagram youtube 

Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4340 Lincoln Ave, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085

In this congregation
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