Viola’s Pastoral Letter, January 2016

Dear Members and Friends,

As you know, this past year has been filled with convulsion and loss. The convulsion caused by leaving the Windermere has left me shaken and asking myself questions including a doubt about the meaning of my life and the contribution I left behind, Black Velvet Knickers. This is a biography of my life from birth to Ann Arbor, Michigan. If I live through this winter I will review it and see if anyone wants to publish. One thing I learned is that a sense of humor is essential in a life in ministry. If you can’t laugh at your life in ministry, you value the wrong things. Laughter is the life blood of life. If you can no longer laugh at the absurdity of life, you are already dead.

It has been a long time since I have reviewed the text of my memoir. At least after all these years, the laughter remains. I hope that Beacon Press thinks it worthy of publication, especially for young ministers just out of seminary. If you can laugh with your life in ministry you will have long successful career. Lacking the balance that laughter gives is a prescription for tragedy. The successful ministers that I have known have enjoyed a healthy balance between laughter and tears.

In a few weeks I shall be moving into my house in Sawyer to enjoy “my lake” and the plethora of wise and helpful friends who come and go through the seasons. I am hoping that this new year will be far happier than last year with its turmoil of moving and changing. I could not have lived through the change of leaving Hyde Park for Ann Arbor without the support of my members and friends in our fellowship. More than I can say are the feelings and joy this fellowship has given me and continue to feed my soul.

I will see you early June and be happy to greet you on good health and joy. Some of you will be entering college and senior citizenship. We all need each other as we continue our joint ministry at BUUF.

