Affirming Our Lives Within This Community

Lisa M. Fuller
President, Board of Trustees
Berrien UU Fellowship

“This fellowship is the community of ourselves.

Its resources are our resources. Its wealth is what we share.

As we contribute to the life of this community,

we affirm our lives within it.”   

-Berrien UU Fellowship Offering Words


Our annual Berrien UU Fellowship pledge campaign is in progress.  Our operating budget, which covers salaries for our Minister, Office Administrator, and Director of Religious Education, as well as expenses associated with building maintenance and operations, is expected to be about $50,000 next church year (July 2017-June 2018).

The State of our Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is good.  Members and Friends are actively contributing to the life of this fellowship in many ways.

The financial status of Berrien UU is solid.  Income keeps close pace with expenses, and we have a robust endowment fund that has helped us through some rough times recently.

To meet the expenses associated with maintaining our fellowship, all Members and Friends are asked to consider pledging  2% or more of your annual income.  The expectation of a 2% pledge recognizes that UUs typically provide financial support to a variety of non-profit organizations, not just your church.  So, where mainline churches expect a 10% tithe, Berrien UU leadership believes that 2% is a fair share starting place for supporters of this fellowship.   2% is just $20 for every $1000 of your annual income.

The Unitarian Universalist Association asks UUs to think about their congregational connection when deciding how much to give.

Supporter           This congregation is a significant part of my life.  Suggested fair share financial commitment starts at 2% of your annual income.

Sustainer             This congregation is my central community. Suggested fair share financial commitment starts at 3% of your annual income.

Visionary             Affirms the unique importance of this congregation.  Suggested fair share financial commitment starts at 5% of your annual income.

Transformer       Deep commitment to congregation fuels transformation.  Suggested fair share financial commitment represents 10% of your annual income.

Our pledge drive goal for this year is $30,000.  I hope you will join me and my family in committing a portion of your financial livelihood to this fellowship.  The greater community is enriched by the work we do here.   And it needs your support.