Upcoming Events

Creative Conversations
Wednesday, February 7

How do we identify ourselves and make ourselves known in our community? Join us at BUUF for an evening of Creative Conversations when we’ll watch some UUA videos which attempt to define UUism in all its various incarnations. Rev. Jim McConnell is working on producing a video specifically relating to BUUF which could become part of our website and used during our AllComers evenings when we describe ourselves to recent visitors and anyone in the community who is interested in learning about us. Please join us and share your religious journey and wisdom so we can be more inclusive in promoting ourselves. Some light snacks will be provided.


BUUF Board Meeting
Sunday, February 11th

Sunday Service
February 11th

Sunday, February 11th, in observance of Valentine’s Day, we are going to explore the subject of Romance and how it can lead to more mature understandings of Love. The title of Rev. Jim McConnell’s sermon is: “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places.” To properly address this very important topic, a team of passionate lovers has been assembled. Nico Rojas will bring the Story for All Ages, Kristen Lownds and David Lafleur will be our readers, Tina Eberly will sit in the Poet’s Corner, and our BUUF musicians, who are always in the mood for love, will be bringing us some special music. This would be a great Sunday to bring a friend or a lover.


February Book Club
Friday, February 9
Home of Mary Lou Elson

Our next BUUF book club choice is What the Lady Wants by Renee Rosen. Mary Lou is offering her cozy fireplace again for us to gather around on the evening of Feb. 9 at 7pm. Get your fact checkers out and let’s see if we can determine where fact leaves off and historical fiction begins in this tale of Chicago in the gilded age.